If your loved one has been diagnosed with dementia or Alzheimer’s, specialized support is availablethrough Hospice or Palliative care. Both options offer compassionate care tailored to enhancecomfort and quality of life.Begins as early as the day of diagnosisAvailable at any stage of dementiaCan be provided alongside othertreatmentsFocuses on symptom relief, painmanagement, and emotional supportSuitable for advanced stages ofdementiaFor those with an expected lifeexpectancy of six months or lessOffers comprehensive medicalcare, emotional & spiritualsupport, comfort, and dignityPalliative CareHospice CareGUIDE services based on eligibilityDementia Care Goals855-335-4677delawarehospice.orgDelaware Hospice, Inc. is participating in the new “Guiding an Improved Dementia Experience”(GUIDE) program, offering enhanced services for dementia care and support for caregivers (a relativeor unpaid non-relative who helps with activities of daily living). Our established Palliative DementiaCare Program is integrated into GUIDE to provide comprehensive support, ensuring that patients andtheir caregivers receive specialized care and resources to navigate the challenges of dementia.Our Dementia Care Program: Enhanced with GUIDE SupportImprove Quality of Life for people livingwith dementia by providing comprehensivesupport by addressing their behavioralhealth and functional needsEnhance Support for caregivers of peopleliving with dementia through caregiverskills training and referrals to community-based social services and supportsSupport Independence by helping peoplewith dementia remain safe in any settingPrevent or delay long-term nursinghome care for as long as appropriateCoordination of care for dementia andco-occurring conditions and improvingtransitions between community, hospital,and post-acute settingsGUIDE Respite Services can be provided,up to an annual cap so caregivers maytake a break when they need to* *GUIDE Respite Services support comes from local in-home respite providers, adult day centers and nursing homesGet the support you need. Call us today! 855-335-4677Dementia Care Services Through Hospice or Palliative Care
Beneficiary has a diagnosisof dementia, as confirmed byclinician attestation Beneficiary is not enrolledin Medicare hospice benefit Beneficiary is not residingin a long-term nursing home Beneficiary has Medicareas their primary payer Beneficiary is enrolled inMedicare Parts A and B (notenrolled in MedicareAdvantage, including SpecialNeeds Plans and PACE)Help & Support Received: Anne contacted Delaware Hospice about the DementiaCare Program, where they were able to work with Mildred’s physician to confirmeligibility for services under GUIDE. Mildred and Anne began collaborating with aninterdisciplinary care team through Delaware Hospice’s Dementia Care Program.Our Dementia Care Program team connected her with transportation services, making it easier for her to attend appointments. Anne received caregiver training through DelawareHospice, helping her manage Mildred’s symptoms and cope with her own stress. Additionally, Mildredbenefited from GUIDE Respite Services, which allowed Anne to take much-needed breaks from hercaregiving responsibilities. Now, Mildred and Anne are enjoying the time spent together and with family.To be eligible for the GUIDE Model, beneficiaries must:Patient & Family Caregiver: Mildred is an 86-year-old woman living alone withmoderate dementia. She has regularappointments with her primary caredoctor, dentist, and optometrist, and getsher medications from a local pharmacist.Her caregiver, Anne, is her 35-year-oldgranddaughter who visits daily to help with housekeeping and personal caretasks. Anne is a mom with a full-time job.Initial Challenges: Mildred’s dementia symptoms weresteadily worsening, and her primary care doctor was notequipped to provide the specialized care she needed. Asher condition progressed, Mildred found it increasinglydifficult to manage her medications and attendappointments on her own. Meanwhile, Anne, who hadbeen her primary caregiver, was feeling overwhelmedand exhausted by the demands of caregiving. Despitewanting to find a suitable nursing home for Mildred, thehigh costs made it an unfeasible option.Example of how our Dementia Care Program with GUIDE can helpGet the support you need. Call us today! 855-335-4677Care CoordinationThe care plan will identify thepatient’s primary care providerand specialists and outline thecare coordination services neededto help manage the dementia andco-occurring conditions.Caregiver ServicesDelaware Palliative will assess andaddress caregiver needs and include thecaregiver as part of the care team asappropriate. Caregiver services willinclude ongoing monitoring and supportvia 24/7 access to a support line.The interdisciplinary care team delivers services by creating and maintaining a person-centeredcare plan, which includes details on patient goals, strengths, and needs; comprehensive assessmentresults; and recommendations for service providers and community-based social services/supports.Care Delivery Approach